“The life you’re living today, is it on the path that Jesus instructed you to take? Did you take time to ask him today exactly where HE would like to go… and then offer yourself as the living sacrifice, the vessel of his gospel, that could take him there.”
038Jesus Calms a Storm
- August 27, 2018
- , 6:00 am
- Bill Spencer
Bill Spencer
Bill’s 35-year journey of faith has taken him through a myriad of Christian worship traditions. Today, his focus rests on being a disciple of Jesus and using his gift of teaching and learning to make more disciples! He and his wife founded Narrow Gate Foundation in 2004 to develop a place where young men ages 18-25 could meet Jesus through an intimate life-changing experience called Narrow Gate Lodge. His passion is learning the Word and teaching it to others in such a way that they are inspired and transformed by the Word of God.